This morning before the kids got up I picked up Jan Richardson's book, The Cure for Sorrow.
Having felt the pressure of a wave of sadness coming on, I needed some inspiration. I felt like the page I happened to open was worth sharing.
There is no remedy for love but to love more. - Henry David Thoreau
Blessing for the brokenhearted
Let us agree
for now
that we will not say
the breaking
makes us stronger
or that it is better
to have this pain
than to have done
without this pain
Let us promise
we will not
tell ourselves
time will heal
the wound,
when every day
our waking
opens it anew.
Perhaps for now
it can be enough
to simply marvel
at the mystery
of how a heart
so broken
can go on beating ,
as if it were made
for precisely this-
as if it knows
the only cure for love
is more of it
as if it sees
the heart's sole remedy
for breaking
is to love still,
as if it trusts
that its own pulse
is the rhythm
of a blessing
we cannot fathom
but will save us nonetheless.
- Jan Richardson
I never could have fathomed
the pain of a broken heart.
And yet I never could have imagined
the blessings
of trusting that continuing to give love
and receive love
will help cure the pain
trusting this truth
feels impossible at times.
However, being loved
by each of you
has been a remedy
for our brokenness
I have to believe in the mystery
I have to keep believing
that my heart was made for this
to keep on beating
and loving
sharing Mike's love.
The Field Day
is a picture
of our hearts beating on.
in the mystery.
Trusting in the blessings
we can not even fathom,
that comes from loving
and being loved.
I am forever grateful for each of your love that has cured me, please come SATURDAY THE 29TH, so we can love on each of you.
Details below :)
The Share Love Field Day ticket is now available to purchase at Thank you, Rob!
When- Saturday, October 29th
Time - 4- 8 pm
Where - The same location as the prior two years
The fenced-in field next to 3051 Payton Rd
There will be signs and balloons on the street to guide you
The tickets include food and drinks ( that includes beer however feel free to bring other adult drinks of choice), desserts, music, games, bounce houses, balloon art, and more.
$50 for adults
$25 for children.
$120 family max
All ticket sales go to Share Love, That’s All.
You can purchase the tickets directly on the website, make a check out to Share Love, That’s all, or you may purchase them at the event. We will have card readers available for you to be able to purchase merchandise as well.
Please do not let the price of tickets keep you from coming.
The mission of the event is always about sharing love and being together, so please just show up. We will not be checking tickets at the gate :)
The more the merrier :) Please, please, please , pass this along to friends and family.
We are so excited to be with you guys. Thank you, as always, for your endless love and support. We are grateful!